Tel No. 401-268-6258
Physical Education/Health Department

Physical Education Department Chair
Julie Maguire

About Us
Physical Education/Health
The Physical Education/Health courses provide students with opportunities to develop skills and habits that promote lifelong wellness. Students who actively participate in the physical education/health program learn the social aspects, challenges, and leadership opportunities involved with physical education activities. Students also develop a higher level of overall fitness. Through a variety of course options, students learn how a healthy lifestyle supports an improved quality of life. All students participate in the nationally recognized fitness assessment called Fitnessgram. The standards for this test are criteria based by both age and gender. Students test their flexibility, muscular strength, muscular endurance and cardiovascular endurance.
Credit requirement – Students must earn TWO credits of Physical Education/ Health to fulfill graduation requirements. Students may not repeat physical education classes beyond the requirements in order to earn additional credits toward graduation.
Students may take two Physical Education (PE) classes in the same year only to make up for a previously failed PE class. There is no exemption from the Health Education credit requirement. However, per Rhode Island General Laws § 16-22-18 (Health and family life courses) and § 16-22-17 (AIDS education program), and § 16-21-7(a) (the characteristics, symptoms or treatment of disease), a parent or legal guardian may exempt his or her child from the program by written directive to the principal of the school. If parents choose to have their student exempted from the Health and Family Life component and/or the AIDS education program of the Health curriculum the student will be given an alternate Health project to be completed independently.
Medical Excuse: Following are guidelines for students who are unable to participate in PE due to injury or extended illness:
Credit can be earned for a medical excuse. The student will be given a PE or health related written assignment to complete during class time. Medical excuses are not retroactive. A physician’s note is required for medicals lasting more than one day. If a student is able to participate, on a limited basis, the teacher will attempt to modify the student’s program to meet the guidelines of the physician. Students with long term medical excuses will be required to attend the rotation for health.
Adaptive Physical Education is a special service offered to students who qualify through an Individualized Education Plan (IEP).